Flashback | A Grandfather’s Gift

This is a photograph of my grandmother from the 40s. To have this portrait of her looking so full of life, means the world to me. It is one of the treasured photographs, rare gifts, that my grandfather left behind.

Today, I thought I’d share some of the photos that he captured many years ago. Like most men who were in the war, my grandfather didn’t like to talk about much… except when you asked him about the photos he had taken while on tour. I remember seeing a couple of these portraits hanging on my grandparents walls.

As a child you want to learn as much about your grandparents as you possibly can, and these photographs allowed me to see into a part of their lives that, otherwise, I would not have been able to witness.

These images inspired me to first pick up a camera as a teenager. They influenced my artistry then, and continue to motivate me daily. May you be encouraged by these gifts from the past.

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