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  1. Love all the pictures, like the ones with all the dogs sheep chickens and duke . It is going to be really hard to pick a favorite . I especially like the farm in the background it shows you how beautiful the land is, and you can see why emilie miss’s the farm so much.

  2. The pictures are so amazing. I love all of them. It is going to be really hard to pick a favorite. The pictures with the dogs are really special. The farm in the background is just beautiful, you can see why emilie misses the farm so much . It was really special to take the pictures here for emilie and cody . I can’t wait to see what the wedding pictures will be like .

  3. Love all the pictures as I just got off the phone from your mom in Hillsdale while I’m out here in Calgary visiting my sister and was telling her I have never seen a more beautiful bride. Emilie you and the dress were breath takingly beautiful.
    Hope to connect with you all while in calgary now that I have your number.
    Hugs and kisses to you and Cody
    Love Karen Belanger

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